Look back at the day of the African child

This year, as a follow-up to the meetings held in Addis Ababa in November 2015 and as part of the programme of actions leading up to 2040, the Day of the African Child focuses on the protection of the rights of the African child as well as the prevention of violence against children, particularly intra-family violence. The Lebao’s Kids Foundation team actively participated in this day: we took 60 children to the commemoration of the “Mtoto wa Afrika” day which took place in the village of Kiponzelo, 50 kilometres west of Iringa,

la journée de l’Enfant Africain a pour thématique la protection des droits de l’enfant d’Afrique

   Our projects in Tanzania give a large place to meetings and exchanges with children, organised to allow them to express themselves, give their opinion, share their point of view and their reality.

Installation de notre stand BKF et accompagnement des enfants
Messages d’égalité des droits pour tous et  pour les enfants porteurs de handicaps.

Setting up our stand and accompanying the children for whom we are responsible.


A stand with festive activities was part of this day during which we were able to make ourselves known and transmit the messages of equal rights for all and in particular for children with disabilities.


Like other NGOs, we are committed to helping and supporting vulnerable children.


After setting up, our team had the honour of welcoming the guest of honour of the ceremony, the Regional Commissioner of Iringa, Mrs Queen Sendiga. Our team was able to receive her at her tent and was able to exchange and provide this representative of the State with all the information concerning our activities and more specifically those related to the care of disabled children by our therapeutic team.

Accueil de Madame Queen Sendiga au stand BKF

Welcoming Ms Queen Sendiga to the BKF stand

Présentation par l'équipe de lebao's kids foundation

The BKF physiotherapist was able to develop these points and present all the services and methods of support for these children and their families; he also presented the orthopaedic equipment used.

Présentation de notre activité sur le stand lebao's kids foundation
Présentation de notre activité à Madame Queen Sendiga au stand BKF

Presentation of our activity to Mrs Queen Sendiga at the BKF stand

The guest of honour showed great interest and enthusiasm towards us and committed herself to visit us at the Therapeutic Centre. We would like to point out that our NGO is one of the few facilities in the country that provides therapeutic follow-up for disabled children.


We then participated in the peaceful march towards the guest of honour, marching under the banner with our image. We participated in the distribution of leaflets with messages around the national slogan of violence prevention, safety and progress for all children.

Lebao's kids foundation a participé à la marche pacifique vers l'invitée d'honneur

Together with other organisations, our NGO organised games and entertainment for the children who came from other villages to take part in the day: provision of coloured markers for drawing, balloons, festive make-up, masks…

Lebao's kids foundation a organisé des jeux
Des enfants africains d'autres villages sont venus participés
Pour la journée de l'enfant africain : dessin, maquillages, masques festifs
Pièce de théâtre interprétée par une troupe locale dénonçant les violences familiales et témoignages

Pièce de théâtre Attend a play about abuse.

Pièce de théâtre pour dénoncer les violences familiales

Then participation in games, songs and dances…

Participation aux jeux pendant la journée de l'enfant africain
Participation aux chant et danses pendant la journée de l'enfant africain

Our team was invited to participate in the closing speech of the day which was addressed to the community and we were thanked by the guest of honor for the daily support that our NGO brings to the children of the region as well as for our participation. dynamic to this day.

Lebao's kids a été invité à participer au discours de clôture de la journée